Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Perils of Working Out at Home...

Hey Dad! I just about jumped off the rower. As you rowers would know, ya can't hear much when you're on the rower. I was in the 3rd round of my WOD today and it happened to be about the same time my daughter Ryann (a.k.a. Boomer) was getting ready for bed. I thought my 20min-ish workout could be squeezed in before she called it a night, but she came quietly down the steps and as I am giving my rower the business, I heard, "Hey Dad!" ....Eeek!!

Working out.
Done in 5 min
Can ya wait...

By that time she was standing next to me. So I pulled up for a min or so and said good night, she's the cutest thing ever, so what could I do....

Earlier in the day, I had pondered a WOD and after some time, this is what I came up with. It was pretty killer actually, and took me a little longer than usual to recover (not sure what's up with that)

Load clothes in washer, then:
3 rounds for time of:
800m row
20 kb swings, 32kg
10 kb dead cleans right arm, 24kg
10 kb dead cleans left arm, 24kg
20 push ups with hands on 16kg kbs
Move clothes to dryer, start another load


20min-ish as I suspected, minus the time to stop and say good night to Boomer. It was pretty rough, I wanted to do something with an 800m row as I have been doing mostly 400m-500m and wanted something a little longer.


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