Monday, February 15, 2010

MetCon Monday

Phew. The last few Mondays have been Total Brutal (to rip off the title of Austrian Death Machines debut album). My comrades and I have started calling it MetCon Monday.

Today it was the WOD of the main CrossFit site. There were some adjustments. (I've been pretty happy with myself recently as I've discovered it's been a long time since I've had to scale any weights. There are some things I can't, or won't due, but for those things I regularly do, I have not needed to scale in a long time). Cool.

Anyway, here ya go...

For time:
155 squat clean, 15 reps
30 toes to bar (mostly knees to elbows)
30 box jumps
15 muscle ups (sub with 45 dips) --pullups to come later!
40lb dumbbell push press, 30 reps
30 double unders
15 135lb thrusters
30 pullups
30 burpees
300ft walking lunge with a 45lb plate overhead

My time was a whopping 30:54. I did about 20 regular pullups and did the last 10 as jumping pullups. I got through the other stuff and did about 100ft of the walking lunge and called it, tank was empty.

Just when you think you are doing pretty good, HQ pulls something out to humble you, this one did the trick. My strength remains good, but the metabolic part of my conditioning always needs work. I felt like my body could keep moving, but my lung capacity said otherwise. Ha.

Back to work...

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