Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ah, Deadlifts

Today was a deadlift WOD, but first, some background on a arch nemesis of mine, the double under. It's been haunting and taunting me for some time. Back in November, I had the pleasure of visiting San Francisco and trained at San Francisco Crossfit, it was my first time at an affiliate. I was able to see a lot of people bustin' out the double under, I was annoyed. Now, I am an athletic guy, and not being able to do many DU's was really ticking me off. I decided to start working on it, so every day during the warmup, I always hit some double unders. I try not to be too fanatical about it, I just make sure to attempt some DU's and usually try and see how many I can hit in a row. My record so far was 24, but today, I rocked 36 in a row!! I was in a zone, it was cool.

In the past, if DU's showed up in a WOD, I would usually substitute, but since I have started doing them basically every day, I do not substitute any longer and I can regularly hit at least 10 in a row.

That being said, I knew it was going to be a good day after hitting 36 DU's in a row. I had already picked off a WOD from the archive, originating from the crew at CrossFit Football (their programming just kicks arse).

10 rounds for time:
3 deadlifts, 315lbs
5 clapping pushups
7 GHD situps ( we have no GHD at my facility, so I typically lay flat on the floor and keep my legs and feet pressed against the floor)


I was really stoked with a sub 10 min time. I think I can get that even lower. That's one of my favorite little WOD's. Ya just can't beat the deadlift for all around movement, it's my favorite. Saw a CrossFit slogan on a discussion board somewhere that really fits for these multi-round WODs:

CrossFit: Get Some, Go Again.

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