So, today I decided to try a somewhat short 'intermittent fast.' I have been reading about it, and thought I would give it a go. I had dinner last night around 7:30-8:00, and haven't ate yet today (12:15). I will probably eat soon as I feel like I am getting a little hungry. My goal was to make it 16 hours, and I did. I just had water and several cups of coffee, and my normal vitamins and supplements (minus any protrein shakes). It went fine, and I think I will start doing this from time to time and evaluate.
Initially I was a little concerned about attempting an intense CrossFit WOD. But, I was feeling fine, and since it is St. Patrick's Day and my comrades were doing Murph, I had to do something intense. I don't do Murph, I don't really run much, and that sucker would take me all day even if I rowed it.
That being said, I browsed my archive and found this little gem:
"Mini Mega Josh"
4 rounds for time:
400m run (sub with 500m row)
15 GHD situps
10 deadlifts 315lbs
I figured I would do my normal warmup and see how I feel. I felt fine, and started to put some weights on the bar to deadlift. I felt time. I got 315lbs on the bar, it felt fine, no weirdness of any kind. To be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect, I have never fasted before. At any rate, nothing was really out of the ordinary, so, it was GAME ON Mini Mega Josh !!
All row segments were between 1:53 and 1:58
All deadlifts were done UNBROKEN.
Dang! I was rather surprised with my effort, rowing was very solid as were the deadlifts.
Rock on.
What is the Meat and Fruit Diet?
Many carnivores have begun adding fruit into their animal-based diets,
transitioning from a carnivore diet to a meat and fruit diet. This is one
of the m...
1 year ago
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