Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bear crawls, broad jumps, and more!

Today is going to be another 2 WOD day, I need to burn some calories, and so long as I have good energy, I might as well do it. This morning's adventure was one that I threw together. I figured my buddy Rich would be faster, and he was, this is really more up his alley, but I liked it (when it was over).

3 rounds for time:
20 yard bear crawl
10 pullups
10 broad jumps (max distance on each)
20 back extensions
20 box jumps
20 floor situps
(like GHD, just laying flat on the floor, touch toes at top, keep butt and knees pressed to the floor)

I came in right at 16:00 minutes. Hot dang this was harder than I thought it would be. When focusing on max distance on the broad jump, they take some energy!

Tonights WOD:

4 rounds for time:

400m row
6 KB swing right arm, 24kg
6 KB clean right arm, 24kg
6 KB swing left arm, 24kg
6 KB clean left arm, 24kg
12 KB sumo high pull, 32kg
12 KB swings, 32kg

Was able to knock this out shortly after getting home from work. 16:46

A really great day for me, 2 pretty intense WODS, solid times, solid efforts. I rock.

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