Sunday, March 28, 2010

Basement WOD 3.28

Phew, longish WOD today in the basement. Here's how it went down

1200m row, then
16 renegade rows using 16kg KB
8 pushups on top of 16kg KB
16 renegade rows using 16kg KB
8 pushups on top of 16kg KB

800m row
8 rack squats, holding 2 - 16kg KB
8 dead cleans Right arm, 24kg KB
8 rack squats, holding 2 - 16kg KB
8 dead cleans Left arm, 24kg KB

600m row
8 one arm swings - Right, 24kg KB
8 two hand swings, 32kg KB
8 one arm swings - Left, 24kg KB
8 two hand swings, 32kg KB

400m row
8 one leg clean, on left leg, 16kg KB
16 figure 8 to hold, 16kg KB
8 one leg clean, on right leg, 16kg KB
16 figure 8 to hold, 16kg KB


It was a good one, a little bit of everything thrown in there. The one leggers at the end were hard as the legs were getting a little tired. I can't wait until it gets nicer and I can WOD outside, I have not done many snatches as I have a low ceiling...

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