Monday, March 29, 2010

Taco Frittata

There have been a lot of recipes coming through a number of great paleo resources on Twitter, I wouldn't consider myself a great paleo resource, but thought I would join in the recipe distribution! We typically have a frittata of some sort during the week for dinner, tonight's was one of my favorites. Here's the details:

Taco Frittata
1/2 lb ground beef (I typically use 1 lb, and recently started using grass fed beef)
1/2 cup onion (or more if you like)
1/2 packaged of taco seasoning of your choice, more if you use 1 lb beef (trial and error will give you the best results to your tastes - I don't like too much taco seasoning) I prefer Penzey's Taco Seasoning - not as salty
1/4 cup water for 1/2lb beef, 1/2 for 1lb beef
10 eggs (my default for frittatas is 6 whole eggs, 4 whites)
1 cup cheddar cheese (optional - listing the full recipe here has FYI)

Brown meat with onion in a 10in skillet. Drain. Add taco seasoning and water, simmer for 2 minutes. Beat eggs and pour over meat mixture. Cover pan and turn heat to low. Cook for 10-12 minutes or until eggs are set. Sprinkle with cheese if you are using it, top with your favorite salsa and serve it up!!

This ends up being a pretty solid frittata and re-heats well the next day.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Basement WOD 3.28

Phew, longish WOD today in the basement. Here's how it went down

1200m row, then
16 renegade rows using 16kg KB
8 pushups on top of 16kg KB
16 renegade rows using 16kg KB
8 pushups on top of 16kg KB

800m row
8 rack squats, holding 2 - 16kg KB
8 dead cleans Right arm, 24kg KB
8 rack squats, holding 2 - 16kg KB
8 dead cleans Left arm, 24kg KB

600m row
8 one arm swings - Right, 24kg KB
8 two hand swings, 32kg KB
8 one arm swings - Left, 24kg KB
8 two hand swings, 32kg KB

400m row
8 one leg clean, on left leg, 16kg KB
16 figure 8 to hold, 16kg KB
8 one leg clean, on right leg, 16kg KB
16 figure 8 to hold, 16kg KB


It was a good one, a little bit of everything thrown in there. The one leggers at the end were hard as the legs were getting a little tired. I can't wait until it gets nicer and I can WOD outside, I have not done many snatches as I have a low ceiling...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

WOD 3.25: I'm Back!!

After a couple really light days, and a complete rest day (and a 24hr fast), and confirmation that my neck issues are nothing major, I am back to regular CF WOD's today! While I was resting, I came across the CrossFit Santa Cruz Central site. At first I was drawn to their EAT THIS blog (thanks for the link Rich), but later clicked over to their main site and noticed some pretty killer programming going on! Since I do CrossFit with a couple other people on our own, we are constantly looking for killer WOD's for 'the archive.' It's mad cool to see the slight differences in the affiliates, and the different spins and twists they all put on their WODs.

I love CrossFit, I love reading about what other people are doing. I love the whole functional movement concept. I've been doing this for coming up on 2 1/2 years, wish I had found it sooner. But I did find it, and that's what counts. Thanks to whomever posted it on the discussion forums over on (mountain bike forum).

I digress.

Today's WOD was from 3/15 on the CFSCC:

(sub ROW for run)
800m run
3 rounds
10 deadlifts
7 hang power cleans
5 push press

400m run
2 rounds
10 deadlifts
7 hang power cleans
5 push press

200m run
1 round
10 deadlifts
7 hang power cleans
5 push press

Dudes = 155lbs, Lady Dudes = 100lbs

Rocked it as RX'd. 20:41:48.

800m row = 2:58
400m row = 1:28
200m row = :43

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pain in the Neck

My plan was to take a few days rest, maybe do some lower body or cardio based movements and see how that rest impacted my neck. Yesterday, I decided to go ahead and get an appointment with an MD setup in case the rest didn't do anything (which is tomorrow, I didn't think I would get in that quick) I figured I could cancel if things felt better (a little bummed I am not going to my normal Sports Med crew, they don't do neck).

From a workout standpoint, all I did yesterday was about 15 minutes of double under work, and about a 12 min spin on the stationary bike, watching my buddy Rich annhiliate himself (always fun to do). My neck was hurting pretty good after that, not sure what's up with that.

I will keep the appointment and go tomorrow.

Injuries suck! I realize that there's some risk for the occasional muscle pull, or strain, but DANG IT, I was really kicking some butt coming into the spring season. I got 2 commutes to work in last week and was stoked about my condition having been off the bike for about 2 months during winter (except for some rides at Ray's Indoor MTB Park). Some pretty rockin' workouts were thrown down over the past couple months. I don't mind the rest, but I want to do it on my terms!

Will update tomorrow when I get more information.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Mooch Variation

Haven't done "The Mooch" in a while. Here's the original from CrossFit Football:

AMRAP in 15 min
3 reps - 225lb back squat
6 reps - pullups
9 reps - pushups

I was thinking I would just do a few untimed rounds. My neck, knee, and groin have been bothering me. My neck seems to be a result of some heavy clean and jerks last week, knee I have no idea, and groin is from some weighted overhead lunges. Knee and groin are nothing major, just some nagging "tweaks" that happened. My neck however seems a little more troublesome, I may need to visit the doc, we'll see how it responds to some rest.

Any, here's the "The Mooch" variation:

5 rounds
3 reps - 185lb front squat
6 reps - pullups
9 reps - reverse hand pushups

It was a pretty good WOD.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fasting and WOD

So, today I decided to try a somewhat short 'intermittent fast.' I have been reading about it, and thought I would give it a go. I had dinner last night around 7:30-8:00, and haven't ate yet today (12:15). I will probably eat soon as I feel like I am getting a little hungry. My goal was to make it 16 hours, and I did. I just had water and several cups of coffee, and my normal vitamins and supplements (minus any protrein shakes). It went fine, and I think I will start doing this from time to time and evaluate.

Initially I was a little concerned about attempting an intense CrossFit WOD. But, I was feeling fine, and since it is St. Patrick's Day and my comrades were doing Murph, I had to do something intense. I don't do Murph, I don't really run much, and that sucker would take me all day even if I rowed it.

That being said, I browsed my archive and found this little gem:

"Mini Mega Josh"
4 rounds for time:
400m run (sub with 500m row)
15 GHD situps
10 deadlifts 315lbs

I figured I would do my normal warmup and see how I feel. I felt fine, and started to put some weights on the bar to deadlift. I felt time. I got 315lbs on the bar, it felt fine, no weirdness of any kind. To be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect, I have never fasted before. At any rate, nothing was really out of the ordinary, so, it was GAME ON Mini Mega Josh !!

All row segments were between 1:53 and 1:58
All deadlifts were done UNBROKEN.


Dang! I was rather surprised with my effort, rowing was very solid as were the deadlifts.

Rock on.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Triple WOD Tuesday

Today marks the official start of my bike commuting for 2010! The weather was so good I had to jump in. I didn't get as many training rides as I would normally do, but a solid winter of Crossfitting has me in pretty darn good shape, and it's not really that long, just not used to it. I don't have the legs, and nothing will give me that aside from time in the saddle. So, that's what I need to focus on now. And, I rode my fixed gear. Not sure why, but that's what I wanted to do.

I decided to go ahead and hit some weights, just nothing metcon based or super heavy. Here's what today is looking like:

Ride 11 mile, then (about 6:20AM-7:00AM)

6 rounds: (around 9:15AM)
3 reps - 135lb hang clean
5 clapping pushups
7 dips
9 knees to elbows

Ride 11 miles (4:00PM-4:45PM)

Look for an evening of relaxation!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

What a weekend!

My daughter Ryann turned 4 today. It was a weekend long celebration, party yesterday, and more presents today. We did it in shifts. Yesterday it was just her 4 friends that came over. Today it was the family gifts. She's super cool and had a great weekend. There was definitely too much food in the house pulling me away from Paleo. I did some sampling, it's not stuff I eat on a regular basis, so I wasn't feeling to great about it. But I wasn't going to dwell on it.

I managed to get 2 pretty good workouts in. I did some grip work yesterday, mostly open hand stuff, Ironmind Rolling Thunders, Blockbuster, and pinch hub. These things give me a really great workout. I do need to get a grip machine, I will have to work that in sometime in the next few months, if I can find a decent one.

Today, I was pretty tired but decided to do something. So here's the WOD:

2 rounds:
500m row
30 sec: hold 1 32kg KB in rack position (walk around)
right, then left
12 reps single kb squat in rack position, 24kg
right, then left
12 kb cleans
right, then left
12 kb swings, 32kg

2 rounds:
20 rep, kb figure 8 to hold, 16kg
20 reps, side to side step, 16kg

Pretty busy weekend, time passed in what felt like a blur. Now, back to work..

Friday, March 12, 2010

WOD for 3.12.2010

Here was today's WOD:

2 rounds through this:
800m row
50 squats
40 pushups
30 situps
20 pullups
10 knees to elbows

I was dragging through this thing, I should've had more punch being it's Friday and all, but I didn't. 23:42.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mental aspects of Olympic Lifts

There are a number of things that drew me to CrossFit initially, but one of them is the focus on olympic movements. As a former college athlete (football) I know the importance of these functional movements. Yeah, after college I got lazy and slipped from doing most of these movements, except squats. Now (years later) I am back at it, and it's fun. I have a few issues to work around, one of which prevents me from squatting heavy, but I can deadlift heavy and do most of the other movements.

One of the things I like most about these complex, functional movements is the mental aspect required to perform the lift, effectively and properly. You really have to learn the movement, understand it, imprint it into your brain. Even something like deadlifts, which when done properly "looks" like a pretty simple movement. Not. Every time I get up to the bar, I am thinking, "sit down, explode (not snap), shoot hips!" During the rest between sets I am picturing the form in my head, replaying it, thinking of a time I had good form. But, there's a fine line where you need to stop thinking and just do it. I mean, don't think too much! That's where repetition, practice and coaching come into play. Get up to the bar, grab hold, and nail it..hoping the technique has been planted firmly enough into your head that your body takes you through the movement based on instinct! Fascinating. Contrast that to sitting on a pec deck or leg curl machine (ack), there's very little mental acuity needed there.

So today I set out to do what I am calling a clean progression:

Hang Squat Clean
Power Clean
Power Clean and Jerk/Push Press

The thought was to start on the hang squat cleans and work on the pull up, and shooting the arms through. Then, add a little weight and start from the floor, squat a little if needed. Finally, ramping up to a clean and jerk. Now, I CrossFit at the corporate gym where I work. It's not the ideal environment for serious weightlifting, let alone CrossFit, but it's my only option right now. The reason I mention that is how my mental ability was tested with all the "funny business" going on all around. I have a small area near a couple flat benches where I do the oly lifts. I can usually get it done with no one around, today someone pulls up to one of the benches, very close to me. At that point I was doing the singles, with the jerk. I eventually asked her to move, and she was pretty cool about it. I really just had to create a little bubble around me, shut out the external "noise" and focus on the movement. I have much less practice time doing cleans than say, deadlifts. And, it's much more complex.

At the end of the WOD, I was truly very pleased. Here's the weights:

Hang Squat Clean (focusing more on form than pounds)
Power Clean
Clean and Jerk (jerk needs work, not enough confidence to commit to full split, used more pressing strength)

The cleans were coming up strong on the last round of singles, I wasn't quite as steady on the jerk. I wish I had a better facility, and one with bumper plates. It sure would be nice to just drop it!

Rock on.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Flat tires, Kettlebells, and Fenders

What a roller coaster day. It starts off with bright sunshine, I got my bike in the Jeep planning a mid morning ride (workout), all is good. I did actually get out for about 45 minutes, legs didn't feel too bad. I was thinking the new Panaracer Pasela TG's that I just got roll pretty nice. I went down to a 28c for a little better rolling tire on my fixed gear, need all the help I can get to keep those cranks turning over. All seemed good until I left for the day, flipped the back hatch of the Jeep open, front tire on the bike is flatter than flat, stone cold flat. Dang it, 2 lousy rides, and this friggin' tire is flat, that really ticks me off. These tires will be short lived if they can't take the NE OH roads in the spring...(kicking self for not getting Conti's or Schwalbes..hope this is just a fluke).

I just stared at that flat tire as I carried it into my shop (basement). I was hoping it wasn't an indication of what lies ahead (I was planning more mechanic work on my geared commuter). I am no Park Tool Certified Mechanic by any means, I can do most of the basic stuff, but lack the ingenuity when things don't go according to plan. In any event, off to hook up with the kids and see how their day went.

I threw down a pretty solid 'green eggs and ham' frittata that included, ham, leeks, and spinach, not too bad. We watched the last episode of Ax-Men and then I retired to the basement for a fender and kettlebell WOD. My plan was to attack a fender install whilst doing some heavier kettlebell movements.

Here's how the WOD went....

30 KB swings with the 16kg (two arm, single arm)
inspect front fender, review plan of attack, configure in preliminary setup
6 KB deadlift cleans, left arm, 16kg
6 KB deadlift cleans, right arm, 16kg
re-align preliminary setup, attempt to connect, bolts flying everywhere, get annoyed
6 KB deadlift cleans, left arm, 24kg
6 KB deadlift cleans, right arm, 24kg
make another run at the fender, light bulb lights up, see now what I want to do
6 KB swing cleans, left arm, 32kg
6 KB swing cleans, right arm, 32kg
align fender, view the angles, snip the excess off the bracket, prepare for final attachment
From kneeling position:
6 KB shoulder press, right arm, 32kg
6 KB shoulder press, left arm, 32kg
attach fender, miss the bolt alignment and feeling enlightened by the fabulous design of these !@#$% fenders (ie. RAGE)
6 KB swing cleans, right arm, 32kg
6 KB swing cleans, left arm, 32kg
make final tweaks to fender alignment, tighten down all bolts, review the lines, feel pretty pleased with the outcome
From kneeling position:
6 KB shoulder press, right arm, 32kg
6 KB shoulder press, left arm, 32kg

Shut the lights off, it's done.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Grip WOD; then Helen...

3.7.2010 - Grip WOD

Here's a quick recap from yesterday's grip WOD. I was able to get out for a ride on my fixed gear in the afternoon, so that pushed my grip WOD back to the evening after dinner, after the kids were asleep. Since I needed to be as quiet as possible, I did some different work with the Rolling Thunders. I have 2 heavy tool bags filled with old window weight (the counter weights that would hold the window up). I have 2 large carabiners and 2 Rolling Thunder handles. Normally I will do a farmer's walk with them, that's fun. But this time, I just did a luggage style deadlift:

5 sets (10,10,8,8,8) - luggage style deadlift (a bag on each side of my legs)

85lbs, 95lbs, 100lbs, 100lbs, 100lbs
(weights are for one bag)

4 sets of 6 reps - Ironmind Blockbuster grip - 40lbs

2 sets of 8 reps - Ironmind Pinch Hub grip - about 27lbs


'Helen' was in the house today. I would typically row Helen, but since I 've been doing a little running here and there, I decided to run it.

Helen is:
3 rounds for time
400m run
1.5 pood kettlbell swing, 21 reps
pullups, 12 reps

It went fairly well, however, after my grip WOD yesterday, I was really feeling it in my forearms after the pullups. Grip is pretty much toast.

I was able to get through Helen at 13:46:24. It would probably be about a minute less if I row'd it at 500m.

Pretty solid start to the week!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Deadlift Monster

One of my best weeks of training ever I think. I was able to run, ride my bike, and row. That's in additon to the other variable madness that CrossFit provides. Over the last 5 days, I've gotten 7 workouts in that vary in movements and duration. I tend to go until I get tired, then I take a day off. I had a pretty solid week on Paleo, with one off meal Wednesday night, but pretty good otherwise. I don't feel tired right now, but will take a day off tomorrow.

That said, what better way to wrap this 5 day stretch with a deadlift monster!!! Here's the deal for today's WOD.

Deadlift 225lbs.
You must drop the bar at the end of each round, but you also must go unbroken for each round. For example; first round, 1 rep - drop the bar, second round, 2 reps - drop the bar, and so on until round 15 when you have to do 15 reps unbroken. If you break and drop the bar before the reps are complete, you have to repeat that round.

I love this crazy stuff, AND it's deadlifts, so I was anxious to see what happens. I was pretty steady through the first 5-6 rounds. I was breathing pretty heavy but had good strength and just needed a few seconds between rounds to take a couple deep breaths. At about round 10, I started to really suck wind. I decided to start out on the bar, and pause for a split second at the top, mostly to breath. I would do that for several reps and then would start increasing the pace. Rounds 14 & 15 were pretty brutal. My hands got pretty tore up and my forearms were pretty rocked, however, not once did I feel like it was going to drop, not even close. I AM GLAD I DO GRIP TRAINING. This is a prime example of why I love to do the grip training. There's so much pain during this WOD that, having a solid grip eliminates something that I would otherwise have to worry about.

10:50 was my time. I don't know if that's good or bad. I got up on the bar when I was sure I could do the number of reps for that round, I was not about to repeat a round!

I slayed the monster, and it was good.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bear crawls, broad jumps, and more!

Today is going to be another 2 WOD day, I need to burn some calories, and so long as I have good energy, I might as well do it. This morning's adventure was one that I threw together. I figured my buddy Rich would be faster, and he was, this is really more up his alley, but I liked it (when it was over).

3 rounds for time:
20 yard bear crawl
10 pullups
10 broad jumps (max distance on each)
20 back extensions
20 box jumps
20 floor situps
(like GHD, just laying flat on the floor, touch toes at top, keep butt and knees pressed to the floor)

I came in right at 16:00 minutes. Hot dang this was harder than I thought it would be. When focusing on max distance on the broad jump, they take some energy!

Tonights WOD:

4 rounds for time:

400m row
6 KB swing right arm, 24kg
6 KB clean right arm, 24kg
6 KB swing left arm, 24kg
6 KB clean left arm, 24kg
12 KB sumo high pull, 32kg
12 KB swings, 32kg

Was able to knock this out shortly after getting home from work. 16:46

A really great day for me, 2 pretty intense WODS, solid times, solid efforts. I rock.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Some CrossFit mainsite WODs

So, I hit the last two WODs off the CrossFit main site, good stuff. After being sick last week, I think I am finally back to near 100%. Yesterday's 'War Frank' is not really in my wheelhouse, I just am not able to knock out that many pullups, in any amount of time. We actually just did a 1 pullup/1 dip per muscle up, we did not do the appropriate 3/1 conversion - that would have been 75 pullups and 75 dips per round, or 225 total!!! Ouch. I made it through 2 rounds on my own and did 25 jumping pullups on the last round. I don't recall doing too many squats recently, so I had some pretty good DOMS this morning in my legs, haven't felt that in a while!

Today I decided to jump out of character and attempt to do some running. I have some low back issues, and when combined with all the other movements, running was just putting a beating on my back (whereas rowing does not). But, it's been feeling real good as of late, and I've been sneaking in some short sprints to finish some WODs, so I figured, what the heck. I took the WOD off the CF mainsite and added some HSPU's in front.


8 rounds
400m run
90 sec rest

I only did 6 rounds and kept the pace pretty slow. I gradually increased on the last 2 rounds. Legs felt OK, back felt OK. DOMS wasn't really a factor, only when I was done, and like right now after sitting on a conference call for 30 minutes....

OK, I'm done.