Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wrist Flex - Hang Cleans, Over Bench Jumps

So...Been trying to work in a skills component to the WODs, like most boxes do. I thought I would focus on my wrist flexibility today. After warmup, I did some light-ish hang cleans, focusing on explosion and then landing it at the top. I then held it for a bit, then did a nice deep front squat. I did a number of these, focusing on form and getting the bar in the correct position, as best I can with my poor wrist flexibility.

After that skill work, I added a little more weight to the hand cleans and did this:

5 Rounds:
10 jumps over bench
5 hang cleans - 155lbs

Nothing crazy, was an easier/lighter weight day. After back to back running WODs, I needed it....

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