Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Surly Long Haul Trucker

I finally picked up my new Surly Long Haul Trucker from Spin Bike Shop. I'd been researching and put a custom build together, Spin got everything around and built it up for me (couldn't pass up the deal to build it - and I am short a few tools anyway).

Here's the build info:

Frame/Fork (framesaver'd): Surly Long Haul Trucker 56cm
Headset: Chris King Silver Sotto Vocce (looks like the regular King)
Bar: FSA Omega Compact
Stem: Thomson X4 31.8
Brake Levers: Cane Creek Drop V
Seatpost: Thomson Elite
Saddle: Brooks B17 Standard - Antique Brown
Shifters: Dia Compe Bar ends from Velo-Orange
Front Der: Shimano 105
Rear Der: Ultegra 9sp
Cranks/BB: Ultegra
Brakes: Paul Components Motolite (drool) V Brake
Rims: Salsa Delgado Cross, 36h
Hubs: White Industries MI5, 36h
(wheelset built by Bryan at Spin, butted spokes, brass nipples)
Skewers: Salsa
Tires: Continental Contact 700x37
Finders: SKS P-45
Rack: Hebie (great price from Clever Cycles)
Bottle Cage: King Cage

Not exactly sure on pedals, may grab some new Time ATAC XS's, but will use an old pair for now. I don't have a functioning digital camera, so the iPhone will have to do for now.

No more noodle madness, check out how the Paul's disconnects to remove the wheel! That piece with the hook connects to the top of the brake arm...sweet..

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Anvil

Today's WOD was a few sets of light squats...5-5-5-5


"The Anvil" ....from The Savage Society

50 Double Unders
Dumbbell Bear Complex (40lb DB)
40 Double Unders
Dumbbell Bear Complex (40lb DB)
30 Double Unders
Dumbbell Bear Complex (40lb DB)
20 Double Unders
Dumbbell Bear Complex (40lb DB)
10 Double Unders
Dumbbell Bear Complex (40lb DB)

Dumbbell Bear Complex: Dumbbell burpee to stand up, dumbbell hang clean, dumbbell front squat to dumbbell press....7 reps of that.

Time: Too Long

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bench and Deads

Today's WOD was an old favorite that I haven't done in a while:

Bench Press (I do incline, easier on my shoulder)


Bench: 225lbs
Deadlift: 295lbs


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sprint to Burp to Clean to KTE

One of my favorite kinds of WODs, complex heavy-ish oly move with other stuff! From Welbourn's cronies at CrossFitFootball:

5 rounds:
40 yard sprint with a burpee every 10 yards
6 power cleans - 185lbs
12 knees to elbows

Giddy up. 12:17:93

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Back to School Special

A WOD from the crazies at CrossFit New Hampshire:

3 Rounds
5 minute running clock
5 minutes on, 1 minute off
500m row, then, in the remaining time do:
1 handstand pushup, 1 deadhang pullup, 2 handstand pushups, 2 deadhang pullups, etc until the 5 minutes are up.

Use a rope for pullups, or a narrow grip. I used a narrow grip.

Good, different WOD.

3 rounds of HSPU and DHPU for the first 2 rounds, 3.5 rounds on the last segment.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

WOD for 2.9.2011

800m run
21 pullups
21 55lb db swing
21 GHD situps
800m run
15 pullups
15 55lb db swing
15 GHD situps
800m run
9 pullups
9 55lb db swing
9 GHD situps

Grip Training Equipment

Here's what I have in the Grip Garage:

Ironmind CoC Grippers:
T, 1, 2, 2.5, 3

Ironmind Rolling Thunder - 2
Ironmind Blockbuster
Ironmind Pinch Hub (I use a carabiner and chain with some plates, more range of motion than loading pin)
Ironmind Loading Pin

About 220lbs of weights
Sledgehammer - 8lbs, for finger walks and wrist curls
Plastic tub with some weight in it (stick hand inside, spread fingers and lift - got this from Jedd Johnson)
Inverted 20lb kettlebell - will toss that in the air and punch grab it, tossing hand to hand tapping the handle in the floor, I've also hooke the chain to it and done heavier lifts with it

I will also use 16kg kettlebells for wrist curls

I really want a grip machine, and if I can unload some bike stuff, I will get the Ironmind Go Really Grip to add to the Grip Garage!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bear Complex

Today was my first go around with the bear complex. I am not sure how this little gem got missed in my 3+ years of CrossFitting, but it did. For those not familiar with the bear complex, you can check it out here.

I did what I think was a pretty standard approach to doing the movement.

Bear Complex
5 rounds
7 reps

I started with 95lbs, and was doing about 1-2 minutes of rest between rounds. First round was not bad at all, 2nd round had me breathing a bit heavier, 3 round I was feeling it pretty good. Then, on the 4th round, after 4 reps, I had to drop the bar. I was a little pissed as I do a fair amount of grip training and feel mine is a good bit better than most (reminder that I suck - that I can always be better, and that I need to test grip in many scenarios before I say I have good grip). After a short rest, knocked out the other 3 reps. I took a slightly longer rest before the last set, and knocked that out unbroken.

That was a good WOD.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Stairway to Seven WOD

I put together a little Stairway to Seven WOD today.

3 rounds:
70 sec run
7 - thrusters, 115lbs
7 - toes to bar
70 sec run
7 - deadlifts, 245lbs
7 - burpees
70 sec run
7 - KB swings, 2 pood
7 clapping pushups

I'm a slow runner, did the runs at 7.0 on the treadmill.

Finished in 27:55

Cooldown - walk for 7 min.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Box Fun

As I was warming up today, I had 2 WODs in mind and was thinking about how I would sequence some of the movements, rep scheme, rounds, etc....I starting getting my shoulders warmed up and getting ready for some pullups. I wanted to include some jumping of some sort. Not sure why, been in a jumpy mood this week. So, I went over to the big aerobic room (I'm in a corporate globo) and started messing around with some aerobic steps. I ended up just setting up a step that was 30" high. The thing was a little sketchy, but I liked it, it forced me to have good form and to make sure to land on top, otherwise, there'd be a funniest video moment and we wouldn't want that. After setting the height here's what I did:

4 rounds:
10 box jumps - 30"
6 dead hang pullups
10 db swings* - 55lb db
*at the top of the swing, I flipped the db and caught it in the air, excellent grip work, punching at the db and squeezing it in the air.

Good times.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wrist Flex - Hang Cleans, Over Bench Jumps

So...Been trying to work in a skills component to the WODs, like most boxes do. I thought I would focus on my wrist flexibility today. After warmup, I did some light-ish hang cleans, focusing on explosion and then landing it at the top. I then held it for a bit, then did a nice deep front squat. I did a number of these, focusing on form and getting the bar in the correct position, as best I can with my poor wrist flexibility.

After that skill work, I added a little more weight to the hand cleans and did this:

5 Rounds:
10 jumps over bench
5 hang cleans - 155lbs

Nothing crazy, was an easier/lighter weight day. After back to back running WODs, I needed it....