Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hang Cleans, Bear Crawls, Push Press

Wanted to keep the reps low today after yesteday's Dirty Thirty action, so I setup this WOD.

Hang Clean
5x5x5x5 - 155, 165, 175, 185
20 yd bear crawl between sets

Push Press
3x3x3x3 - 185, 185, 185, 205

800m Row on the backend.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dirty Thirty III

From the animals at CrossFit New Hampshire..a little chippety chip chipper for ya...

Dirty Thirty III
30 Double Unders
30 Pullups
30 Dips
30 GHD situps
30 wallball (20/14)
30 KB swings (32/24kg)
30 box jumps (24/20)
30 Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14)
30 Knees to elbows
30 burpees
30 walking lunges


Not a stellar time, but worked it pretty good, these are not in my wheel house, but I was hankerin' for a chipper after a lot of AMRAPs last week.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Christina was in the house today....she's pretty mean...

AMRAP 20 min
9 pullups
9 squat clean (135/95)
9 KB swings (used 55lb DB)
9 Toes to bar
9 Push press (135/95)
9 burpees

We swapped clapping pushups in for the pullups since we did a bunch of pullups yesterday. Forgot we'd be going from burpess into the pushups...oops.

I got through 2 rounds, plus another 4/6 of a round. This thing sucked, mostly because I suck.

Hats off to Mr. Jochems who got through 3 rounds and into the squat cleans on his 4th...wearing a 10lb vest...nice work Rich.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Nicole Plus Some Snatch Work

Today's WOD:

Skill work on hang snatch....then added some light low rep hang snatches to "Nicole".

AMRAP 20 min
400m run
4 hang snatch - 95lb
Max effort pullups

I am working my legs back into running condition, speeds are slow. I got through 4 rounds plus another 400. For pullups: 11,10,10,10

Saturday, January 15, 2011

WOD for 1.15.2011

Today's WOD

7 rounds:
200m row
12 single hand sumo deadlift, 32kg KB, L+R
9 KB clean, L+R
6 single arm KB swing, 24kg L+R

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Do over.

My posts on here tend to be about CrossFit and the workouts I do. It's largely a mechanism to share what I've done, and I can go back and check to see what I was doing (I am terrible at tracking my WOD times/weights).

Anyway, today is about how much I suck. Over the Holidays, I was sick a few days, and took some rest and didn't do much. I thought I was playing it safe and easing back into some WODs, in fact, I know that's what I was doing. I haven't pushed any heavy weights that I normally would, or done any WODs where I really pushed it. And, up until last week, things were fine.

This past Sunday, I am running down the snow covered sidewalk, pulling my daughter in the sled. I was sprinting or anything like that, and I pull my left hamstring a bit at the ham/glute tie in. OK, well that stinks. I do some weighted pullups on Monday. On Tuesday, hamstring feels better and decide to test the waters with some weighted lunges, hamstring is doing fine, cool. However, on the 5th round of the WOD, I pull something in my right quad, on the inside, from the tear drop up to my groin. OK, well that double stinks. I guess my right leg was feeling lonely.

These aren't what I would call bad pulls, but it's keeping me from pushing it. So, today, we line up a WOD 'Juggernaut' which is 400m runs, deadlifts, and GHDs. I warm up, try some deads, things feel 'OK' staying at 225. I do one round, no problem running or with the other moves. Hop on for my second round and pull my right hamstring a bit down at my knee. OK, this is getting ridiculous. What am I doing here? Self destructing is what.

Not sure what is going on, I don't recall ever having 3 slight pulls in 3 different muscles. It's almost funny, but I am not laughing.....

I want a do over.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Burp Lateral

Today's happy time WOD:

15 pushups - Games style (chest to floor, hands off the floor at bottom)
15 back extensions
10 toes to bar
10 burpee - lateral jump over a bench - burpee (10 total burpees)

3 rounds, Mr RJOCHEMS3 came in around 12 min, he kicked it off first so we wouldn't get jammed up on the pullup guessing I was about the same time.

This thing turned out to be a good one, after pre-exhausting your chest, back, and abs, the burpee and lateral jump used the components you just exhausted from the previous movements....Cool stuff.