What better name for a workout than where Vikings go when they die in battle. Raise your swords up people! I think I saw Valhalla's doors today about halfway through this little gem.
How can something so simple be so devestating. I approached this WOD without much thought, you can't, otherwise it will eat you up and you won't do it. The armor was pierced going into the 3rd round, legs were heavy, breathing was elevated, the seat on the rower was moving, not sure how....
Big shout out to CrossFit New Hampshire for this one. If you haven't checked them out, they have some killer programming, if you are training on your own, or at an affiliate, give these guys a look, their programming is thorough with lots of options and even extensions for CrossFit Endurance.
With a timer set at 5 minutes, first:
Row 500m, then
AMRAP in the remaining minutes:
5 reps - shoulder to overhead
5 reps - burpees
:45 second rest between rounds, 4 attempts total
Using 135lbs, I did 2.5 rounds in each segment. For some reason, when I got to the gym I thought it was 5 attempts instead of 4 - basically since everything was based on 5's. So, Brad and I did 5 segments!
This workout kicked my butt, I am not a puker, but my body was telling me I was in the zone where I was a zone that was uncomfortable. As I went down for another burpee, I just wanted to lay there and not be back up. I just kept moving. I know the paced slowed a bit for the row, but even though I was rocked, I kept moving. Wow.
Big shout out to CrossFit New Hampshire for this one. If you haven't checked them out, they have some killer programming, if you are training on your own, or at an affiliate, give these guys a look, their programming is thorough with lots of options and even extensions for CrossFit Endurance.
With a timer set at 5 minutes, first:
Row 500m, then
AMRAP in the remaining minutes:
5 reps - shoulder to overhead
5 reps - burpees
:45 second rest between rounds, 4 attempts total
Using 135lbs, I did 2.5 rounds in each segment. For some reason, when I got to the gym I thought it was 5 attempts instead of 4 - basically since everything was based on 5's. So, Brad and I did 5 segments!
This workout kicked my butt, I am not a puker, but my body was telling me I was in the zone where I was a zone that was uncomfortable. As I went down for another burpee, I just wanted to lay there and not be back up. I just kept moving. I know the paced slowed a bit for the row, but even though I was rocked, I kept moving. Wow.
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