Friday, May 7, 2010

Change of Pace WOD

This week has been a pretty solid week on the training front. I've ridden some miles, even on dirt, and have done some heavier metcons. I hit the archives for a WOD and was eyeballing something I picked up recently from CrossFit Santa Cruz Central [did I mention they have some killer programming? Love it.]. In any case, here it is:

Row 200m
25m walking lunge
Row 200m
25m broad jumps
Row 200m
50 jumping pull ups
Run 400m

Rest 5 min, go through again in reverse order

My first sequence came in around 9:30, I didn't have my stopwatch today, so it was an estimate from a wall clock. All my row rounds were :40 - :41 sec, which was good. The 400m, well, not so fast as I don't really run much.

I thought for sure the 2nd sequence would be faster as I cranked up the run a bit since it was first on the list going in reverse. I landed at about the same time, ending with a :38 pull on the last 200m row.

I enjoyed that WOD.

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