Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Crawling and crawling....

When it's bike commute season (which is usually about 9 1/2 months out of the year), I typically do moderate level metcon-type WODs on commute days, or, heavier 1-3 movement WODs that are more strength based. That leaves the days I don't ride for the metcons, deadlift, or leg based (squat, lunge, thruster) WODs.

That being said, today was not a bike day. So, I set my sites on doing some deadlifts. And here's what I found:

5 rounds:
7 reps - deadlift, 275lbs
14 wall balls
50 ft bear crawl

Unfortunately, I can't remember the source of this WOD, so I can't give the proper shout out.

Somewhere between my desk, and the gym, the 50ft got translated to 50 yards, and since I didn't write it down, or have access to the file on my laptop, we did 50 yards. We have a big room for bear crawls, it's about 10 yards for one length, so we knocked out 5 lengths. Let's just say, 5 lengths was tough. The deads and the wall balls were fine, but 50 yards of crawling took some effort!!

I wrapped it at 14:22. Lots of sweat was generated with this sucker...

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