Monday, May 3, 2010

Grillin' and Bellin'

With 2 little ones (2yo and 4yo) in the house, if I want to workout, I need to maximize efficiency and multitask where I can (which I am not great at). Yesterday I was planning a kettelbell workout, but wasn't sure when I would do it. So, the kids went down for their naps around 1:00. I got a few things done that I needed to do, then set my sites on the grill to cook up some meat for the week. Since the weather was holding out, I brought a few KB's up to the patio area and decided to hit my WOD while I was grillin'.

I came up with 3 segments, and cycled through them 3 times each.

Segment 1:
1 round each arm
5 reps - 1 arm swing, 24kg
5 reps - clean, 24kg
5 reps - snatch, 24kg

Segment 2:
10 reps - sumo deadlift, 32kg
10 reps - sumo deadlift high pull, 32kg
(one deadlift, one sumo high pull, etc..)

Segment 3:
1 round each arm
10 reps: clean and press, 24kg

Between segments, I would check the meat on the grill, then do 10 pushups with feet on a lawn chair and hands on top of 24kg bells, going really deep.

Good stuff, love kettlebells for their portability....

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