Friday, December 31, 2010

Final WOD 2010

After a physically draining week, thanks to a nice stomach flu on Monday night, I was able to feel good enough to sneak in a WOD today as my last one for 2010. Since I am off work all week, it would be a simple basement WOD. Turned out to be quite the grip WOD as well!

200 KB swings for overall time, with about 60 sec rest between sets...



Ended up to be about 10 minutes, pretty tough typing this up right now!!

Later wasn't a bad year, but there's plenty to improve on in 2011.

Happy New Year to all my friends and followers, you all rock, 150%!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

12 Days

Today's WOD was our version of:

The 12 Days of Christmas

25 pullups
25 box jumps (20" is all we have)
25 back extensions, 25lb plate
.25 mile run
25 db swings, 50lbs
25 double unders
25 flat sits (like a GHD, except, laying flat on the floor, backs of knees pressed to the floor
.25 mile run
25 pushups, 25lb plate on back
25 walking lunges, 25lb dbs in each hand
25 burpees
.25 mile run


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Lil' Chipper

30:01:02 minutes of pure CrossFit bliss (making puking gesture)

My man Rich joined the party, so we had to alternate rower and treadmill.

1000m Row (Rich ran)
50 reps push press, 45lb bar
800m Row (Dwayne ran)
40 kb swings, 55lb db
40 dips
600m Row (Rich ran)
30 kb swings, 55lb db
30 dips
400m Row (Dwayne ran)
20 kb swings, 55lb db
20 dips
200m Row (Rich ran)
10 kb swings, 55lb db
10 dips

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

C&J Plus Cindy

Love the oly lifts added to a CF classic bodyweight WOD.

10 Rounds:
1 clean and jerk
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

185 on the clean and jerk...came in around 15 min

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Deadlift Volume

Did the WOD from CrossFit mainsite today:

Deadlift, 60 sec rest between sets


Good stuff.