Wednesday, September 29, 2010

9.29 WOD

Got an idea for a WOD from the CrossFit Football site (from the Mon 9/27 WOD) and knocked it out early this morning.

5 Rounds
Deadlift 225lbs, 10 reps
8 box overs w/ 4 20" boxes

Box overs - Using some aerobic steps that I stole from the aerobic room (like anyone is using them for anything worthwhile), I setup 4 stacks of 4 steps that were about 20" high. I went up and back, jumping over them and immediately bounding over the next as I landed in between them. Fun. i did some extra box overs at the end, good stuff...


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Another Dead WOD

Here's another deadlift WOD today. I am taking a few days off starting, for the most part, tomorrow (after 80 more burpees). So, why not go out with a bang!!

Normal warmup: PLUS 30 burpees

10 rounds:
3 Deadlifts - 365lbs
10 GHD situps
10 burpees

Took a long time as I kept a pretty even/steady pace, 4 reps on the last round of deads, and an extra burpee...for a total of 131.

I did work.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Good Morning Deadlift!

Had to do an earlier WOD today, and since it was a driving day for me, I decided it was deadlift time. My man Rich and I did the WOD from CrossFit Cleveland from yesterday....


In between the deads were burpees of course, I did a total of 104 today. I got them done before the last 2 rounds of deads so I could have a little more rest for those rounds.

Weights for deads:


After the 315 set, I was feeling tired, but for some reason knew I could and should go up. So, I moved to 335 and crushed that set, so it was on up to 350. I knocked those out and did an extra rep for good measure.

Damn, I love deadlifting.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Slow Crawl...

It was a pretty slow crawl today. Doing a 24 hr intermittent fast. Seems like it effects me a little differently each time I do it. I haven't done one in a couple weeks, just seem to be dragging a bit today.

Here's what I 'crawled' through today...

5 rounds
250m row
135lb front squat - 10 reps
GHD situps - 15 reps
Burpees - 10 reps


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Outdoor WOD

As most of you know that read my blog, I train with a couple other guys at a corporate GLOBO, we do a pretty good job at making things work. We can go outside to run as needed, and, there's a big field outside that's used for all kinds of things, mostly soccor. Since we train over our lunch hour, we do most things inside. Well, schedules all aligned to do an early WOD, and since I was driving today, I loaded up all my kettlebells, and Rich loaded up his 24" box and a his kettlebell and we planned a WOD outside in the field!!

My brain started running through various WODs using the stuff we had. Finally this morning, I got it!!

5 rounds
7 KB swings with 2 pood
Farmer's Walk 2 KB's 100ft to a 24" box
Over the 24" box and back 5 times (10 jumps)
10 burpees
Farmer's Walk the 2 KB's 100ft back to start line

I used a 2pood and a 1.5pood for the farmers, Rich used a 1.5pood and a 44lb, Brad used 2 1poods. My time was the slowest at 16:37, the other guys came in a little faster. We overlapped a bit here and there but were easily able to adjust on the fly and no one was held up.

What a great way to start the day, and one heck of a WOD that goes to the heart of what CrossFit is all about.

To quote my man Joe Petrusky.... GET SOME!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Commuter's Ride...

So, not much really happens on the commute, which is totally fine. But, today was just a little out of the ordinary. I ended up being a little late as Wednesday's are trash day and I gotta get that all out and ready for pickup. I got about a mile away from the house and was at a 4-way intersection, waited for a car to go, then started, but a car behind the first car didn't even look my way (I totally saw her and was ready to react) and came right out at me, I stopped and yelled, "HEY!!" loudly, by that time I was right by her window, she was very surprised and apologized. Just goes to show, I have a REALLY bright light, and people still look past you. I continued on and then watched a skunk come about 3/4 across the road, then turn back when it sees cars coming and narrowly missed its' demise. Shortly after that, another commuter came up behind me and we had a nice chat about some random cycling topics and whatnot for a couple miles before he peeled off towards his destination.

I continued on for a bit, then get passed by a roadie, wearing black and had no lighting on of any kind. Never said anything, no hello, no "coming around" ...nothing. I wanted to yell, hey jackass, put on a light. But, I didn't.

Things were pretty normal for the next few miles, then, I see 2 high school girls walking on the sidewalk, they look at me, raise their hands and wave in unison, nerver skipping a beat in their active discussion, like they've seen me a hundred times before! It was a bit surreal, and felt like I was in slow motion, hard to describe. I wave back, and continue on to work....