Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Self Fulfilling Prophecy II

Well, I don't really know what the Self Fulfilling Prophecy I was, but II was a real butt kicker. Yet another WOD supplied by the Savage Society at CrossFit New Hampshire.

I've been on a metcon rage this week, it's the part of CrossFit that just gets in your blood, it drives you, it makes you annihilate yourself. There's nothing more fulfilling than taking down a WOD and surviving it, knowing that you put some effort into it, you created energy and dropped quantities of sweat wherever you were standing (lying down maybe). I don't think I have been slacking off, or anything like that, just realizing that I can push myself a bit further than maybe what I thought. I seem to be recovering well, which is driving force behind my ability to push it.

Freakin a.

Anywho, today's WOD, as the blog post is titled was called Self Fulfilling Prophecy II. Here's the deal:

4 rounds for time:
Broad Jump 50m, record the number of reps and use that number to complete the following movements (hence the self fulfilling part...):
Lunges - alternating legs
Deadlift - Bodyweight
Box Jumps - 20"
Air Squats

We ended up doing about 100ft of broad jumps. And as we were coordinating the deadlift bar, it turns out I was doing 15lbs more than I should have because I can't seem to do math and setup for a WOD at the same time...and those 15lbs were felt....ack.

I managed 14 jumps in 100ft (got me a little hops), my man Rich did 17. We ended up using that number to complete all rounds. I supposed you could use the broad jump count as a variable for all rounds, but we just committed to the reps from the first round to use in all rounds, making it a little simpler. I pulled in at 21:20, Rich was 19 min and something or other.


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