Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hang Cleans, Weight Pullups

Today's WOD:

Heavy Hang Cleans: 3-3-3-3-3

Dead hang Weighted Pullups: 3-3-3-3-3
Getting a good solid pause at the bottom, chin way over bar, 25lbs

Between rounds:
Burpees: 5-5-5-5-5

I did a few burpees in my warmup and then did 5 between rounds, did the last few sets with a CrossFit games style pushup at the bottom. I'd already done pullups, but wanted to do more, slow pull with a good pause at the bottom, total dead hang, lower body as limp as possible.

Hang cleans were pretty solid:


Very pleased with that.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Grilled Chicken & Grilled Peaches with Blackberry Sauce

Found this recipe recently, modified it a bit. We eat very little sugar, so I don't have a problem with it being in the sauce. I used canola instead of vegetable oil, and I would recommend cutting back on the salt, it was too much (in my opinion).

I used my regular grill, not charcoal, and I did not do kabobs. I made the sauce as instructed, and applied the seasoning mix to the chicken, and cooked on the grill. I mixed up a second batch of the seasoning and brushed on the sliced peaches, grilling them for a few minutes when I new the chicken was almost done. The combination was outstanding. We've been doing a lot of meat/fruit combinations or meat with some kinds of fruity salsa, great stuff for summer grilling.

My kids, well, my daughter ate nearly a whole chicken breast, and my son (the fruit man) ate 3-4 slices of peach, all of the sauce we gave him...but no chicken..the dude will keep eating fruit if we keep giving it to him!

Happy cooking!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Deads and Broads

Been a little quiet on the blog here, I've been getting some miles in on the bike, got about 1100 miles in, shooting for 2000.

In any case, I did not ride the bike today as I am giving the legs a rest after a pretty nice trail ride last night. So, you know what that means:


I almost always do a deadlift based WOD of some sort every week, at least that's my goal. Today was the deadlift day!!

7 Rounds
7 Deadlifts, 275lbs
7 toes to bar
7 broad jumps, max effort (at least 6 ft)

19:08 was my time. I didn't have the lungs to push much faster, it's definitely one that I could improve.
