Thursday, June 24, 2010

WOD 6/24

For some reason, I was looking for a sumo dead high pull WOD. I really don't know why. After hitting the archive, here's what I came up with. I knew it was gonna be a marathon type effort to get through a couple of these.

For time:
75 pushups
50 sumo deadlift high pulls, 95lbs
50 ring dips
30 weighted pullups, 45lbs
25 handstand pushups

The pushups were no problem. The SDHP's I split up into 10's, with a very short rest in between (walk away from the bar, walk back). No problem with those either. No rings, so I did regular dips, those went pretty good as well. The crap hit the fan with the weighted pullups. I started with 45, scaled down to 25 for the first 20 reps and did the last ones with no weight. The handstanders were a bear at the end of the WOD. I broke into sets of 5. I basically went to total failure and stopped the clock at 29:46 after hitting the 24th rep. I took a little rest and nailed number 25.

This was a rough one.

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