Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Basement WOD

So I spent most of the morning with the kids yesterday. After Playdoh and dinosaurs I was needing a brief break to let off some steam. For some lucky reason, both kids actually decided to sleep during their nap time, so I headed into the basement.

Historically, I haven't been a "workout at home" guy. But lately, I have started doing more at home. I've started doing some grip training to strengthen my forearms and grip, with the goal of closing the IronMind Captains of Crush #3 Gripper. This is no easy task, taking 280lbs of force to close it. It's pretty fun stuff. I've also been getting more into kettlebells, thanks to the amount of work I do with them during my CrossFit WOD's.

I think the kettlebell is a great home gym tool, doesn't take up much space, and you can do a lot of different things with them.

In any event, I started my warm up and after a few minutes figured out what I was going to do.

3 rounds:
50 squats
40 pushups
30 KB swings (1 pood) - that's all I got right not, but just ordered more from Rogue Fitness
20 situps (legs flat, using glutes/hams to press legs onto the floor)
10 sledge hammer swings (had to watch the ceiling!)
5 burpees

It was just what I needed.

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