Saturday, December 26, 2009


Ah, well, I survived the Christmas Day chaos with the kids. In reality, it was pretty chill as Ryann is only 3 1/2 and Teagan is 18 months, so, neither really have a full grasp on what's going on. Ryann keeps asking if Santa is coming back? We have to tell her it's another year and she'd better be good!

We still have a few things we haven't put together, but the kids got some pretty good stuff and they've been diving into what's already assembled. I won't be able to hold out too much longer.

Catherine hooked my up with my own copy of The Paleo Diet, and the Paleo Diet for Athletes but by Cordain. I will now have my own copy and won't have to worry about getting it back to the library. I also got some cash, and that's going towards kettlebells for the home gym. I have 1 35lb now, and will get another 35lb, a 53lb, and a big honkin' 70lb. Stoked about that. I am really diggin' kettlebells, they are perfect for at home, small, and you can do a ton of stuff with them.

Anywho, I snuck in a grip WOD today. Did some RT (Ironmind Rolling Thunder) farmer's walks with some extra deadlift reps at the end. And I did some fingerwalks with the 8lb sledgehammer, it was a good solid workout.

Over and out.

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