Tuesday, March 29, 2011

WOD for 3/29

Lung Buster:

4 rounds for time

350m row
12 dumbbell burpees - 50lb db
21 lateral jump over bench


Felt sluggish, but got it done.

Monday, March 28, 2011

400m Plus

Pretty solid WOD this morning, it was originally a CrossFit Football WOD that I added a 400m run to for more metabolic impact.

3 Rounds of:
400m run, then
3 subrounds of:
3 - Deadlift, 275lbs (still keeping it light, could probably go up, but will take it easy)
5 - clapping pushups
7 GHD situps

So, one round was the 400m and then I cycled through 3 rounds of the other movements.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Workin' Though It....

Haven't posted in a bit. With my bicep and shoulder issues, my WODs haven't been all that exciting...in fact, quite boring. At this point, I don't like to be bored, it impacts my motivation. I've been training long enough that I don't want to do boring stuff, boring stuff sucks. I've got maybe 5-6 different things I can do, throw'em into a hat and mix it up, you only get so many combinations.

That's what draws me to CrossFit...the variety, the randomness of it all. Of course you have the ladies, and the heros, but those aside....man, you can do whatever your mind can put together (and my mind does wander). It's funny, all the stuff I hated in high school and college, I am having so much fun with now...power cleans, box jumps, sprinting, bear crawls, burpees.....

Anyway, just trying to work through this little low spot due to the bicep/shoulder issues. Today was the first in a while I was able to hook up with my man Brad for a WOD, it was good.

3 rounds:
400m run
25 squats
20 GHDs
15 burpees
10 DU's

That's all.

PS - I just made a phone call about a tire.....hehehe