Tuesday, December 22, 2009

WOD for 12/22/2009

So my buddy Mold created this little ditty for today's workout...

The 12 Days of Christmas

For time:
25 pullups
25 box jumps
25 back extensions (25lb plate)
Run/Row - .25 mile
25 kettlebell swings - 1 pood **changed to 1.5 pood
25 double unders
25 GHD situps (or flat on floor if no GHD)
Run/Row - .25 mile
25 push press @ 45lbs **changed to pushups with a 45lb plate on the back
25 steps walking lunge - 25lb dumbbells
25 burpees
Run/Row - .25 mile

1 comment:

  1. ACK. After the usual warmup, we dove into this sucker...let's just say the suck meter was in full effect. I opted to skip the 25lb plate on the back extentions and the walking lunges were without weights...solid workout.

    Time: 24:43
