Friday, April 22, 2011

The 4th Quarter is Ours

Today's WOD from the CrossFit Football archives:

The 4th Quarter is Ours

5 rounds:
bear crawl 20 yards - out 10 yards and turn around
5 deadlift - 315lbs
10 burpees

I am not cleared to deadlift much right now, so I dropped that down to 225lbs.

I did, however, throw my 20lb vest on. Bear crawls with the vest were pretty delightful! BRING IT.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

WOD 4.19.2011

A little run WOD for today. Running inside, I gradually increased the speed on the treadmill, was a lung burner the last 2 rounds.

4 rounds:
200m run
20 back extensions
20 games style pushups
200m run
20 GHD situps
20 squats

Monday, April 11, 2011

WOD for 4.11.11

With 20lb vest on:
4 rounds:
10 dumbbell burpees, 60lb dbs
20 box jumps, 20in
15 GHD situps

Pretty solid WOD.